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Author: Dr Kelvin Klemm

( Article Type: Explanation )

Biomes are the world’s major environmental communities classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterised by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment.

The importance of biomes cannot be underestimated. Biomes have changed and moved many times during the history of life on Earth. More recently human activities have also impacted on the biomes. The Earth’s biomes are classified in various ways. For example the major divisions are: Aquatic, Deserts, Forests, Grasslands and Tundra.

In turn, these biome divisions are further subdivided. The Aquatic biome is composed of two basic regions: Freshwater (ponds, dams and rivers) and Marine (oceans and estuaries). The Desert biome is divided into four major types: Hot and Dry, Semiarid, Coastal, and Cold. The Forest biome is divided into three major types: Tropical, Temperate, and Boreal. The Grassland biome is divided into two subdivisions: Temperate grasslands, and Tropical or Savannah grasslands. The Tundra biome consists of two subdivisions: Arctic tundra and Alpine tundra.

Within these subdivisions there are further classifications depending on factors such as temperature ranges and seasonal variations.

Associated Topics:

Ecosphere & Ecosystems , Eco-Logic , Gaia