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Nampak Corporate


114 Dennis Road
Atholl Gardens
South Africa

Tel: 011 719 6300
Fax: 011 444 7821
Contact: Fezekile Tshiqi

Nampak Recycling is represented Nationally through appointed agents and branches in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Pinetown. The Company's primary function is to procure raw material in the form of Secondary Fibre for the Group Paper mills situated in Bellville, Verulam, Kliprivier and Rosslyn and recovered Glass for Nampak Weigend Glass.

The Nampak Mills are large users of Secondary, or Recovered, fibre, and in turn produce kraft paper for corrugated cartons and tissue for hygiene products.

Nampak Recycling is one of the largest buyers of secondary fibre in South Africa, with material secured via a large variety of sources that would include SMME's, BEE ventures, national contracts, Buy-Back centres, offices, printers and industrial concerns.

Nampak Weigend Glass makes use of recovered glass (Cullet) for producing a diverse range of bottles for the food and beverage industries.

Amongst the range of services offered are confidentiality, certified document destruction, paper compaction equipment, recycling aids, assistance with recycling programmes and small business development.